Humans and Zombies battle on Florida Tech campus


Humans vs. Zombies (HvZ) is starting to become a staple of Florida Tech life.

The campus-wide tag game is played once per semester and attracts a lot of attention from players and non-players alike.

The game can be as simple as an old fashioned cops and robbers game, or as complicated as the players want to make it.

The basic principle is this: humans must avoid being eaten by zombies, but zombies must eat humans to survive. If all humans are infected by zombies, then the zombies win, but the humans win if they resist the zombies long enough to make them starve to death.

Humans are allowed a variety of choices to defend themselves, including foam dart blasters, foam melee weapons, and even balled up socks (preferably clean) that can act as grenades.

If a human tags a zombie with any of the available weapons, they are inactivated for fifteen minutes. Zombies are required to touch the human with two hands in order for them to be “turned.” Humans and zombies will soon be spotted in massive groupings, sometimes carrying out missions well into the night.

Humans are identified by an orange bandana worn around their arm, while zombies are identified by an orange bandana worn on their heads. Zombies must report their kills to moderators, who keep track of the casualties using the HvZ website. If a zombie does not make a kill in 48 hours, they are considered starved and can no longer turn a human.

This year, a pirate theme will permeate the game, with the zombie virus coming from an advanced form of scurvy.

Caitlin Bigelow, the public relations director of Florida Tech HvZ, commented on how this will influence players’ looks and weapons, insisting that the new flintlock foam blaster is the weapon of choice for pirates.

On the expected numbers for this year’s game, Bigelow said, “It depends a lot on the incoming freshman and how they respond, but around 50 so far have signed up.”

In the past, games have reached numbers over 100, and that number could easily be surpassed in the future.

Chris Gorgia said, “It’s just a giant game of Dungeons and Dragons, so come out and have fun!”

To participate, contact any of the moderators, find the HvZ at Florida Tech page on Facebook, or email